Gemma Pearson, Scotland & England

Gemma Pearson, Scotland & England
Gemma is a vet based at the University of Edinburgh’s Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. Having recently submitted her MScR thesis on horse-veterinarian interactions she has now started a PhD investigating the stress response of horses undergoing veterinary care to develop low stress handling techniques.
With over 15 years’ experience working with behaviour cases, Gemma offers a very popular behaviour service through the University of Edinburgh, taking referrals from both clients and referring veterinarians. She has also trained a variety of staff members including grooms, nurses and vets within the hospital to ensure even the most difficult horses are managed using techniques based on learning theory, resulting in a lot less stress for hospitalised horses and staff alike.
As the Veterinary liaison officer for the International Society for Equitation Science Gemma is passionate about engaging vets and particularly vet students in the subject of Equitation Science. As well as running training courses for vets, vet nurses, horse trainers/instructors and owners she is invited to speak at conferences, seminars and lecture evenings across the U.K., Europe, North America and even China.
Gemma has developed a reputation for being able to retrain very challenging horses both in hand and under saddle by applying the principles of learning theory to produce, calm, relaxed and obedient horses. She has great empathy with clients and an ability to help them at whatever level they require whether it is training a novice rider with a lazy horse to go forwards more easily or preventing spooking in a high level dressage horse. As a public speaker Gemma can explain Equitation Science in simple terms to a wide audience, always involving plenty of humour.
In her spare time Gemma enjoys competing in affiliated eventing and dressage. She also helps her partner run Cumbria Arabians Stud, where they breed black Arabian horses for performance and has recently become an advanced endurance rider competing on a home bred horse.