Jen Davy, Brisbane, QLD

Jen Davy, Brisbane, QLD
Jen is the owner of Purely Positive Animal Training and works with people, horses and dogs. Her passion is enhancing the human/animal bond. Jen’s daily work is varied, from coaching riders and training horses to working with behavioural issues with horses and dogs. Jen enjoys the variety her work offers her and her philosophy is to enhance the lives of others through education and building understanding.
Her commitment to animals is shown by the ethical training methods she advocates. Jen believes that when working with conflict behaviours, we must address the causes with a solid basis in science combined with understanding and compassion
A few years ago, Jen rescued a three year old Thoroughbred straight off the race track and met Andrew McLean at a clinic. This was a life changer – both for the horse and her! Andrew made the science of training horses accessible and ‘user-friendly’ and it made perfect sense. Equitation Science gave her a deeper understanding and changed the relationship she had with her horses and she has never looked back.
Jen works from her home at Samford, from UQ Vets in Dayboro and will also travel to see clients.
Jen has a Dip. Equitation Science, a Cert IV with Delta Behavioural Training and is currently studying a Counselling Diploma. With over thirty years’ experience in coaching, training and helping others, Jen is a passionate advocate of ES and the role it plays in our everyday interactions with our horses.
A happy client –
“Today I had to float manny for the first time since I saw you last. I did do a few days of training around new year and then being away for a while he hasn’t touched the float in a couple months. Today I was able to send him straight into the float the first go and he even ate his food in the float after being closed in which he never used to do. I could cry. He was 100 times less stressed than in the past and I imagine he will only get better each time. Thanks for giving us the tools to finally make float loading a positive experience“