Susi Cienciala, Okanagan Valley, BC

Susi Cienciala, Okanagan Valley, BC
Horses are my life. I grew up three day eventing and competed to the Preliminary level, coaching pony club, mucking a lot of stalls and then attending veterinary school in Saskatchewan. After graduation from vet school I worked at a referral equine hospital near Vancouver for four years. After this I decided to open up my own equine practice in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. My husband and I continue to operate Deep Creek Veterinary Services. I work with horses all day and then spend my free time riding and competing my own horses including young ones we have bred and raised.I still enjoy coaching other riders especially now with my ES knowledge.
In 2012 I was fortunate enough to listen to Andrew speak at a symposium in Vancouver. This really sparked my interest – finally -the science behind horse training.The following year I attended an ISES conference in Delaware, USA and hosted Andrews first clinic in Vernon, BC that same year. This was the beginning of Equitation Science coming to Canada. Fortunately my eventing friends and veterinary colleagues were very supportive and since then I have organized lectures, clinics and intensive coaches clinics in British Columbia for both Andrew and Manuela every year thereafter until 2019. We now have a strong group of ES coaches on the west coast of Canada.
I was also on the organizing committee for the ISES 2015 conference in Vancouver.
The Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada recognized my efforts in ES and I was given an award to help complete the ESI diploma program.
Currently I am working on bringing ES into our Canadian veterinary schools so that all future equine veterinarians will have equitation science in their tool box.
Discovering learning theory in horse training has been life changing for me. It has brought so many positive changes to my equine veterinary work (low stress handling techniques),my coaching and to the training and care of my own personal horses. I am now committed to teaching both clients and veterinary students what I have learned. I feel like I am truly helping improve the welfare of horses which is very rewarding.
Thank you to the ESI team for enabling this for me and thank you to the horse in the photo “Darwin” who truly was my inspiration for change!